How many Curbramps do I need?
The curbramps are 4 feet. A minimum of 2 can work but we recommend a minimum of 3.
How do they stay in place?
We use a 5/8 inch heavy duty strap/crimp sleeve method or heavy duty zip ties to strap the curb ramps together. They are black in color and can be cut with any pair of scissors.
Do I need to remove the Curbramps in the winter?
We recommend waiting for the 1st major snowfall then dragging them off to the side of the driveway. Curbramps do not require any indoor storage.
Which Ramp do I need?


Who We Are
Curbramps is a company that specializes in recycled rubber products. We design and sell driveway ramps to fit comfortably on nearly any curb, supply industrial grade products for commercial use, and carry various rubber landscaping solutions.
Curbramps has been serving Alberta and Surrounding communities since 1996. Created and developed by Jim Orchard in Sherwood Park, Alberta. We are still based in Sherwood Park, Alberta and have distributors throughout Western and Central Canada as well as across the United States.